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Premium Sex Games created by our artists and based on your ideas. Our porn games and animations can visualize your deepest sexual fantasies. These games cracke" /> ul.dropdown { white-space: nowrap; }ul.dropdown li.parent>a{padding-right:25px;}ul.dropdown li.parent>a:after{content:""; position:absolute; top: 45%; right:6px;width:0;height:0;border-top:4px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.5);border-right:4px solid transparent;border-left:4px solid transparent }ul.dropdown li.parent:hover>a:after{content:"";position:absolute; top: 45%; right:6px; width:0; height:0;border-top:4px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.5);border-right:4px solid transparent;border-left:4px solid transparent }ul.dropdown li li.parent>a:after{content:"";position:absolute;top: 40%; right:5px;width:0;height:0;border-left:4px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.5);border-top:4px solid transparent;border-bottom:4px solid transparent }ul.dropdown li li.parent:hover>a:after{content:"";position:absolute;top: 40%; right:5px;width:0;height:0;border-left:4px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.5);border-top:4px solid transparent;border-bottom:4px solid transparent } #wp-admin-bar-pvc-post-views .pvc-graph-container { padding-top: 6px; padding-bottom: 6px; position: relative; display: block; height: 100%; box-sizing: border-box; }#wp-admin-bar-pvc-post-views .pvc-line-graph {display: inline-block;width: 1px;margin-right: 1px;background-color: #ccc;vertical-align: baseline;}#wp-admin-bar-pvc-post-views .pvc-line-graph:hover { background-color: #eee; }#wp-admin-bar-pvc-post-views .pvc-line-graph-0 { height: 1% }#wp-admin-bar-pvc-post-views .pvc-line-graph-1 { height: 5% }#wp-admin-bar-pvc-post-views .pvc-line-graph-2 { height: 10% }#wp-admin-bar-pvc-post-views .pvc-line-graph-3 { height: 15% }#wp-admin-bar-pvc-post-views .pvc-line-graph-4 { height: 20% }#wp-admin-bar-pvc-post-views .pvc-line-graph-5 { height: 25% }#wp-admin-bar-pvc-post-views .pvc-line-graph-6 { height: 30% }#wp-admin-bar-pvc-post-views .pvc-line-graph-7 { height: 35% }#wp-admin-bar-pvc-post-views .pvc-line-graph-8 { height: 40% }#wp-admin-bar-pvc-post-views .pvc-line-graph-9 { height: 45% }#wp-admin-bar-pvc-post-views .pvc-line-graph-10 { height: 50% }#wp-admin-bar-pvc-post-views .pvc-line-graph-11 { height: 55% }#wp-admin-bar-pvc-post-views .pvc-line-graph-12 { height: 60% }#wp-admin-bar-pvc-post-views .pvc-line-graph-13 { height: 65% }#wp-admin-bar-pvc-post-views .pvc-line-graph-14 { height: 70% }#wp-admin-bar-pvc-post-views .pvc-line-graph-15 { height: 75% }#wp-admin-bar-pvc-post-views .pvc-line-graph-16 { height: 80% }#wp-admin-bar-pvc-post-views .pvc-line-graph-17 { height: 85% }#wp-admin-bar-pvc-post-views .pvc-line-graph-18 { height: 90% }#wp-admin-bar-pvc-post-views .pvc-line-graph-19 { height: 95% }#wp-admin-bar-pvc-post-views .pvc-line-graph-20 { height: 100% } #wpdcom {overflow: hidden;}#wpdcom .wpd-form-row div:hover.wpd-field-desc span {margin-left: -187px;}#wpdcom .wpd-form-row div.wpd-field-desc span::after { margin-left: 80px;}@media screen and (max-width: 600px) {#grid_content{display: flex;flex-flow: wrap;}.sb {order: 1;}.mb {order: 0;}}.topnav { overflow: hidden;text-transform:uppercase;font-size:12px}.topnav a { float: left; display: block; color: #f2f2f2; text-align: center; padding: 14px 16px; text-decoration: none; font-size: 15px;}.topnav a:hover { background-color: #515151; color: white;}.active { background-color: #4CAF50; color: white;}.topnav .icon { display: none;}@media screen and (max-width: 600px) { .topnav a:not(:first-child) {display: none;} .topnav a.icon { float: right; display: block; }}@media screen and (max-width: 600px) {.bbcode-image, .pict2 img{width:100%;height:auto} .topnav.responsive {position: relative;} .topnav.responsive .icon { position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .topnav.responsive a { float: none; display: block; text-align: left; }}
Hello, here is collection which I have currently. And I am not sure when will be the next update, Meet and Fuck Games are little harder to crack. ? +-n-+Fuck Also here is site where my friend post new Meet and Fuck games If you need some specific game which is available there, I can upload it. ?
riXELT DEU& STOEE. jj. yu sarrrx & eoHave ssxsrrsn rss late assivX a JCw AswrownA fcag aaHSiada SirriirJfii. Inwnf i is..Apo' lit. BiassT i- Steals' itfe..'S&st Ajirs" Chrtr PeocLUaiiasi. Sc ti 13$. Ra&aai f TTAiQuery. Eratfj!Uf&w f limw $wda.Snopniatl xewt OknJwsHmcx Exfiact, ffcwsaiaa:' Src.faJJ3'nSa. c miasm laadtown;, saawars a iaff .JC.K.ftSjJL. BL. (n 35?b2. Xasfie 5S.Hair and, SttMjt.Brmxs. " sll l-iaul-.KEH HO,RSti2IHBt HS3 EOST uSS2,mas tt urtLi as scrrirsB-J. ww & a K A Xir4-1iL ax sail Xlu-.B-aci vcr wwt. 55. W aaii Sajx-'Jfctai ifiswa jaia Ui wiSa. JS-daiES. aABWATS PttlS Dose TcJfirJaiafftaelTW. :rrc23a. Bieis, aaiiSaJaaya. r Fa as .SM- Furrfcecei aaii Chrscic eumpfcaas i arrrr it icon. JL5 a. Pmhb-T P12. hw FBIera? tear bearra dfeam wS enaanr: a. podDr. KADTTAVS PILJJS areCOHPOCX5ED F&OSTABLE EXTRACTS. CaxstetlsfWx Swetrt tlma. and ore tlitrdX. qaittwt. aaU saHt Iarjs" Hre. Apericnu AnU-iaUoJi aalOsi&sxlic 33 edit Ice knoura tojSodical Slncc-On oTDr. lisdwajN PUi coatalm Eiore of tlse gtHI ve princj-pie oi eoic. asu " ui an iunu ,oa tier IIw; Bovrcl. SiorsacJs, ;KIln7. 13IaltJr. ESood, icu ifcta four or ix of UieoriinaryPtO old rtader vrsriou- boisoh, jor than tea sraia of Clire as.TEl!S COMHSST FOS THS AGED AtD ;OTHSS AFFLICTED WITH COSTltEXEsS AND PAKAUSS Gr THEEQWELS.(SETOIHSES OF EAB'P'ArS POMSccias&iitSacn T3t aar resufic aei-Tat Saw sac oji a. saseat saw, aau.hie bwn ecs&i-X s ifsA- toleencirisiBTa; SrrdiKei f Ea4ajs Pi&-READ THIS.Tar fcK?" TCTn Z tars- fctMi aaoetl wftk.euav igmst asJ &r j laai tJ"at r wa- evmpolisi iii3j" rsor: t ajfe-jsama t secanxa T3caasni. la. E'sanaiec faaS I eurazaaxsii tie se C F.vinfs PQSi. A4artirwraiErrfs&iiJE3itmpi itill tr-r" i oxuvmiwab ;cues- x ifajv isi a3iHic S year rfj-d aa ItiartT snoa? as I ial J jwuaPenoa oiaOTi r PaSati, 3fegn !33 tSe" iilTncs- m l iS ie- aijecfi to Iparaljaf i4OT5i; xisseof Saiiray's P2!a co.' ar rr '0XWwiuiPtTaiirTs. iDSL EADWATS FILLS CtEE ALLDISEASESOf tie tcKae&, IJrrr. Eosr- felx. KIdneym- ZUaCder, fcrroti jCcaes Jleadac&c. CoastJpatloa, Indirrlion. iJfeTcr. inflassiaxloa or the iKo-srel. File, and all derange- 'bcrq of lieXalensal Ti-ccra.Os to six ttoici w ari anted toeKect a po-iriTC cure-. l?jrrcljTeseta&Ie, containlnr no rscr-carj-,Biaesab. or deXeterioosXr. Radwaj'i Pill o!d lrall pmrii azd CocatiT Ker- 1tnnTT 1Prlct:. 23 Csti.OK. RAD WAYIs is. rKE;t c aaicrpiraiS. cCaal dcoTr-rr ttr-? fij- tie Psafcaan cf fieeaiairx? t raai cf an.B '?rl!u mEADWATS EZSuTATDTu PUIS.tiif FacsitT cf tii? CcEer itai fix trrcrt tilai sirrfZ ami tvmiU coouSus Err ia-nr aelcccr ti iaif tiai "&p2 ars Ecccntj-iss ciulj laintizcffr:ii'.-i.r..i 6 "frL tti ar escceed wScHtcf laSstxzcs acii Tcr:irer prnaccT cfCxssBCr asil '" '" aS tie a feeaca iaoaHjr ojcaia zerrain syiaEi, ic,-r-rr-i jet sSaU tile Pn3EQ ajctie-m.w ecrsaad "ax msa jptri cf triifiVto!tzacTr ixcSsd. t?" fie crsai cefceety as.taaul'tj- tie EEs wifiia a Tcrj hrifgTTT.l?.1SsasictttaialSef tSa CtEeg1!,DS. PEH- THEOBALDD2. ETSlT. f.!ifcstf.INDIGESTION !i mi i Tif ri'ir ir rf Th'-t't TT" J1 'ct ptwerreSfcla ftasf ast beer tibsy 3 cpida&s " &a fie-if n Trr -mrirr cr d. jTTCsra. erjEyrf toergsES, cii will fcia te tevirrcifrnnJfr VT uJfaaiaiiItn ri if iiFurl i ifi Tfrnf Sacssgst-tSs tstbr Caar Jndamce. Price S- For Solo foyKJwgtn i. Cm-, Sam. FruwiuK- FT TTtPawiMC, SiaFnatUn,Aatj fey an Briii2ji ukf CmlijI1J Xnrkou. flyHUHaaaaftta &u s&lSPILLS.JHEOD. C HEUGKOffers for SaleJUST RECElYr r FROMEUROPE THE UKITED STATES,-FSBK. a Wyiie from Hsmbcrg.Wlllielni L frti Erexaen,Geylan fron Boston.Stccfflcis I& Ecd Montana,i3Sspmest per E. C WjliejJTT aSCEfT. CGXrliXESS TDry Goods, &c-tjaub? riser pacrr r sr?Esual f ijoaaf aa aiMa iiii AArociu. ?afcr H aal3Wiau aaX Stat itoirtl.S&i. Ceif . Ra Bluk. &aii. SfcwScKuMttft.OwAci IWtu- FutiiMit fls. rwnaClothing &c.JL Cumf ke aaI wB Mfa9t JLw.imitrfCb& Piiatiffir nam JfSaaia. Tea. cte. e.Shirts,la na ltaritr aaii JtSe. Tis : TTifer Xub-;uiut aai Fimt omcc WhAc asitWoSr tma Bma sa-X all tffltn fab.Hoaarfi fbirta. ajuW. Hein- rrr uZHosiery,"VTtU Xcn 13j 3i Cailraiiil aa4 drivers aS tirjr jew. JL Mttia m Vacua aaa w( -sasfc. fra aaI tuaj. LaJius' ffcn Wlte aaIEfcurk Stedtmji, saf eric ifiaStj.Hats,Boots, Sfeses and Gate,Of A tstj 6faC f iMnoa aa-I Fracl ataauii."CarT. at CiJRSin. CTjuti. Caiiaicrsr PaeaLeU&ar. te. ctur.Saddlery, &c,S ht.ffej-Airt. LiEes' miBts, Bo&j fTafoa 5tjfei. ESi". Sgaarr Hs Csitai, i--rA CEOCE A5SOS33EST OFGroceries & Provisions,Caaatiil Strir ta ball" biurfo. Sasrcrr Wa:-fr-tltm Kirrr, 3tUlqC&l. CiiaSOXBC M-mJJ caaT aai tiaarter bu'rf. jLaofaivDU aa trifrf ri ij. jrjnn jirr. Ttangax ra. 3. aa A mJfcn.dicnxJIiiaaj. xsnreil Triict ox STxapa. Frafcx Sturor, TaaiCa. Caaiarfafif.Spirits, WinCS & Beer,Cajls Tury Saorr Pali Bt-ra.Iy, FbeSfcarrj- nt "TWfL Saeror Pcs Wia. SfxtriExr BkI. Ciajngitrie, Corner. t& Ceb&ntot fib S7sliiir aa Sszf. SiAinlaar,A5t aai Pc5dr in (aait9 aaiipcatf. f (& "tHS3Ta. 3Try c"&iitt2nr !&nfer.Haai-Cigars,Sundries.SaSeo" ShfiA Kams xad. Xxei Kzwm-Jl&oi JL fanKa AMaratreat nf Faaa; Catiirr af iCSmas sehm aail jonarii. SeiHi.1 bt Mr YaiPn fbaar. Plajtaz Cusif.JCTaar? a!USj4 Fcotr BZttt2rrt?a$Faaii LaMes Sz;rr 3 aim.irirn a rr T, i s.waut, JUpaeex aaiiof Tasini? totim aaii aaaurai. lLtsas-xar Oil. Cdtfcra'j Xo, Iki&f, Waar Ctjbca,Fbif, 5LffiiiiIcrT f Taawa ifaaS&u aadjataraj, HTcajjn Piper.PAESTS AXD OIUS irrfer-iir Wialaii. 77rir Vaaa. Eaifeil tcuaei OBLCASKS ZtSC, ot Seeti fM Ity aaiKOLLS SHEET LEAD, f it. 3.3 JF 5 aaii pfmif per sqaaraEOCXD BAR IEOX, fam. J & Ifscad rprrntftzr-WLTDOVr GLASS, m. Smh f M Saltciu-ft.fcagLliSylt t 38 6j lacaaa.03T TTAATD,JBcsades Otfaet Jl orkaa diFrua, CiREinV fmri-, Eat PanHif Crasect,Engrailair Cnuu. Virit Daa: uii Kuacof Parsfr Bdadaar Felt Sttgcniar juiaa dde.AlmFint SirjiLjai af taa irill'izarrz.JCESS BEEF, pactii fcr C Bertleas Eicti,J lit EiTwi aaii Eaij fer Lt3jtiia.Just Eeeeived per ShipCeylon from Boston,i2e St Astiu&su Cieasna. WB aaii fSrrai j Ci Gail Cuer Fci 2Cssmac PnaUvscaiiza uii xiu uir I ii.i j tue, i .itxi,Aaxsziiesxa; atCfi liirj lira, HaaT SirsetibrHue aaii CiiryCaia, J nwft, tf, 5i!?ytrs.UiiKiri lot ESaiar; Eiml Trfc'i Iitta.1Salt, Ktrr tecALeO g.'i" ' f PESWlThclTTl XAHEX?irZ3T OF TEST DFcISABLSTa lie Eciai WToot Mir.Tie Stesxsten aad PacJfetsfee StxTrcrrfiiM. ay C7iy Cqj, i2 itsarIardto of Inr ia4 BolntitCsnaaRfaa; f a-i Taniaa feraooacs f aiaSf--ci aaii pcrramttf flf CaEficaxaytin Frt.fTifTJ f tUa.Eaiaml, xaiitaa Cintfiatgt f Sanga,'grrrtr SpTKntf wig tg Gmjagl tg asrnl.AXsf t2sa2aTsraeseii 5tr Sale ai TVrprg-THEOD. C BTXCZ.334ia CcrrtXtataa3tvfa'.CATVlltSU srXKXULXS.XY at pM. taAIMilt!ntWM,Tkwt to? Wm i rStar jt &ct ftvcvr"1it jar "raj tJfOGB AOT.t W until tinBajtirli mtwMJ.IM a ruW UtKSfrtWy p vtXi jwiit hivi mtt f tKttsttuamt J ttXt uJ attwfV Kt Uta M atWokfce femftot.Tliiill On hirt-nimnnr'-i-V-T arnik. iol eftTW I tUtel It B WbmmLotiatltc "W1II or AustraliaI hiui kft oj- auorc at Pmngng to niitaal yraek ai & wiute aad sanl HtSeomm liliiiktul ttb? Upfrr A8ja rirer.T&e tvtMQ if sttoabol iwur to a baaefe fa twtt tMctfer iwlriir (kus viiA cim-fWtktf iLyiMtl tk WIJm HCtMQ cfV Smtk WaJifti. ami Sir iatoMie atsme: tatamv af Qwub. fami- A nwaataia(datiaatacr br smk? t t4?a lessth.tartS it rwieftfa c5ntc wfere tK pzfwtt goon?;, 3mtl Ai hiotKit isjclrcviv kM& ; jaaT ttioed bte tieiiiliitfru coftfcr m ta Siit?Oiijricurm- ai (sSa fctifee thebratif. ot At svtiT nr. Saoetzaes theaaebtr bueiboo ef ta aortil sjbI ortb.-KTtf$l arjsml tU samBtt fee caara.swats ta tki rir; aciia it spceuii outinto breoti taftle-&iaazdscSu iato ottsuroag& Tb azazK i&riie aaii fora amiciftT acwKKSof taocfttiia BroacaJaries asi pri&s;. arl txsrfel Qsy-ei ef cs.Mtiwl Iwiriit- and (foftSs. oftea kAiioe tfet iatt tfiTtsfcr tiafct ra tfcetr eokacs ;bfeuAeii 5n At toons csaa is ttesasiitf tiiar utter Bat GcJ SKbitithst s&oo&i cot tril ta the stse brsathof tkUKiicst&Tvic6Ito tkeeSa&earf IKE, tfeiir variiii proiit5, tLaz tealtliM. kssKf. Ttti cfcoi' ar? fcgnw a&o?tiKtr cycrsJ &x icta t&e taterijr, fcjJscwili Ksobos bcriccs oC kattifrtar sfeoccs. It brshhm TdSipieiSr tuaJtu, andwita tSeir cu6er prvrioctj. ta refctsli toe'amnios of t? sdhtopir Busfc. impirtacnatI tuot ttf tiir attetusrtctl CnaW,ami afimKt'tocs t&e H9m cf coUffcfcrsti t tiiir jaBii fioes. Bcr Lt thiEKXjataiEi sntea tie eafecr wwdi be haifiesert. " .ttpoa t&e adinai saS ef t&e rirec fcasts.aerf wfc orefaflT eaftiintifJ, tiM tEosdizm aoi tte g eg fesa sera! fees as isxeealsfeaci iktsme fea;ct. ITsfeis in seaiuoii cf tHKSiI iaczSt,5a:k soiii EteaKjWna witfe pt9$sc!r rewanfiEc t&e fsafcaAti witfc a!icsiaee cf earn, sbeattfcr greewss as! preiiacearepfeisiat:a&i baoa jtia. acaaoi jua. aI craje ,ft.are areaiife satetftstes tsc. ocaioiets to.iatisr. EVitfci, Buctarawi asi apcicoiiaiKSBiI ; aff&s ai pors xiti: ezrttd ea!tirsCNC vC It ii a tnck sf pfe&tr.timers. vbick la B-datjas tfr srcaat ofGeI 1 wad tilting tanraVfc tfce nsoaotafeitsaisas, wKek stani Sera Ee gaiat atiaefe. ttwe t&ii hsd cf xfccmiiEce aadLet ies taie a jjaro; arocsd. FarawaTts tie k& wsi tirecioe of WoBoadst;ICO if to tie ait Ttwil sot bos? taw&ecs nn.-a ef Eieiiatabs in eae&taatiocoftic escd tanifer ste to ti retyT of At softfe HisfesfcarT-. "We lefttfe? QacS-Hter en cAt, bijwul waicitSa hgit Moafana st&ips gsird tint binVrcf At Karai. afaoe wBaei we tare ofteajos52 on oar mfcraw of raerrj. Bejocsi!. ijira nwets tie taJbfe4asd of 'SexHnrTrJ, anl tfe rtcgwl mecataiii bs&iief ti-iltwoiojjljoci. Tte tvets stmjfeeeis tiees of dsrasKS-wfactfessrskis:irticsiea As rues sreep licyra, tietiieoee aifd asii feiTnwBg- tamaU. Wetiajii ocr C'ji SschxriEifs&enm cs Esasjof tie "KKgiJanis ef tiij iroriii aol tikrifirr sf tiici f bit Httfe we fcre-w, a wemrejei emforiL Sow soon we, ci aS tnmaa tincri 3&saSi b oa t&e Terr Trecf tiff zOTektiea of tie gkries of tutwscii -hci i tie CrEtaai lope.Isataii sf imrvkg tiracrii tils wtUresell to EiT'distinaii&Q wifc tie di;&ritliiteii. I iiiijifil nsj ems ta Tint a cieiGtjrnELS, wia reaJai ai a fcjee siuicc, adwSSeraiiEff a near eat or a jet wfileras! totaSr rasia&tai tneir, suit dcecilwiti tie raaStT Et w&kfi: tirfett posesawxr u w asjr;acit tie enpzjux. Tb17 iaawii awaj.isd tia siarsaws cf Tearer were trtdiiil cut : At sm Kt ta jwiir wat &W3, ce jorjecaj ifragerjlof T2isaIf2S&bSKaboaitiews-!erx ojoataxEi; tie twt icrri&J a&er jtie B77T asd I xai kfi ta utter darUutaee tiHe boe piazae&s. A Cew iaamifiT ef stop aseest a&l ztap descestwsaSJ trstiae to a lafcicy, a weJetrase,aii as erssisg aeaL TJte ia!es cxrmwecH tc to retsafa oc tie traciaatll ccfaieg ixtnxA, tzt firTrTriTftygitfctrsTaSsz KSdirfc2L&a asH tie kic rpacs of tHi rai frrri (i to a erasic rssnltaf is tie nred sseaerjcf 07&ire tractfca. I caiSfiai a ny betse,ani ie fnrJ fcr seretal cSes, ct2 tieIcagii cf trees ifcff ceTBal rises iieprrreij oecf irrjracacricccaswacezrlj&pEieed ee kn tie saiSTsxrewaj tie tftfHr iTriTtn-f azd pdtz?T3x,aai Eafemr as iat leased to Ce tks brow jcf aprftwicetiewisdrgeftTK&laii atfes ssA Ijas it tie tadSe, caKtsitihamvij seat aaj tBSow, tie corelrraaij asosrafcrtatfe -Saractercf ajjoatiiti jrsrestoJ repese.'-sraj X rawyrt tiecirii a n&Salicn anil parazsd ts tetmgcf tjTnrr. TSas I watdbgii beliejraisca; Hrrfei, wear; tadSea, fcrrtaazii icse!ea,ic n.t fcy 17 nirri e&3fcrtfcs, tizkzKj tiai 17 iwstltb Eijit wnnU nfTfeJ to cry pxtli. trensSitKtratsjKi tv twt wstaKd. I woaa1t aftrdir. ots;it altw Bct jaswO.fctvsraer cm nvJtvvt cf mtriWr iMinera&cxvtrajsp cjaiTwJ ; I cvgM laat mr cxvj$m&m ut my ajJ. 1 fartl; ct1tar KnIv reiecuc iat a VAwt Kc.aiw &:vi ta Cfaaip WTOf wA ww Sooff to sfe(vttt tsstatatlj-a frJ 4t, baiSoarim? a pkto of wurw Rxxl aadtro. I tinat l twEsva mm as taatef ajTcakst t I av5,ii 3ti JfOaaku I a) av n a watsm cvwixiabk'aputawat; Gtieod ww sittne: aewwd.vojottB xriai i.-vatrs. Ooxtr tx Iaxi " Tb -aiwiajs of tar jtoawA aitk nU cUbV nn at iMtrrak, swl Iii tor body frvwt sW te sif rwtlfsslyk nr stratBsrif'ifcTaBitCTT.Oa tia sxth Ja? cf tisii tniW tuaiv jiia 0 mr Vui tria t fv T.aisaawJ a RtW Va. aad Utria todwalrsest to tbs 1 was eriiwtlj sii-lac; at tiT fc 4tW ef tar wwtry waac;"rs I isJtvi aad for braitb.Haw wsety. Vw WMtiecdiiy loeWvjiwaKlI bans Nva witaoet ."Vist ; witk Mb. IcxMSt say I was toeer. A c&oap waKtr stwiHt to o?a ; ti cooicc ntitacat fed em NwvHttfs for aotios. Tak1 w& ksew,a&J ia the iclit of wld citibaad gaawieg- tragec I saw tarsif toptayeri fweUaottwtlwawar tSattisisiii ef itarratMS. bv v&Kk it apfstrvdejRjevSttT tveaKe 1 skodd dW. s atwt paiafci aad Sasvoae datk, Srwt&vi aad oatulja f 0t Sras oftoaf komSbc S$wbttoa" eakr ssf h rcata5 Usees ;fcat I bire sfB sf die terriblybird epos t& vkalit lwl. sarrtiaibkd. braV that sea omM d iur Uwat. AVoaHtW wiU ifapi d5CQxr . aad tocoust bwwlt t nic? WoqH th-ey tiribt tiik aad suci: ray blood Iwjbre I died ?AVosM iMhiui eea. aad skeakl I ssyfcofcb. aai perkafts hfcjpitfawai tbiaps.wi rauoc kft hr tkiua Tase aadiaqoki-i fiwjweallr pisat toay Bakd. bet tay exeitM at tae $ateit prt2rbutioa or aaxioai titjejit"Tai do tioasfet for tk aMnvw.-Traiaa eikortatio of ay Sariosr whteh twired (ma aim powir to ofesy. -As thydar. g ibaM tir jtniacta fce," was a proa-T& syratMB of toe BHad was Aea tosaksle-: UW teapter. I cooaot bat Mmto,was oaiaestly praseat. Why otractmisery : aao tierce cuavaliioas wm probably arise : yet more irretkd jraawtarst&aa tto?"flw Mt; nc:attl thirsts niHssoxd ; perwars aviay liiys and aigats ofasscy ; yea bare a katf : yo& taow wireti pierce, aad tiea tie soal tiiil pass oattacly from aH pais. Tiis woold harebeea a defcitfc! rspeke. aad rerhaps acfcerls&ed pUa, bat for t&e firm befief tiatsukide is sis, asd -Tka stilt do ao tacrder," a coeuBaad which necessarily tadeled tie proiHitwc of serf acrdr ; thisieSered, tie detenatnaOQ of tie heartexpressed itsslf rgry oft oa the raooctaiosta those beastifal Szeswaa or juet te Ta."Oa tie WHsm; riTsr of New SotttiWaJis, a yottth was mest aaxioas to seocrtie bsso. aow as aliaost tatpnsaUe- qsa?cire froct tacessaat raias. Tbe rirer lisbet jest pneticabte Sx a aorseciaB. asdwiit Ci5c he iope to do to pars sit ofcattle oa sack a cjt I He did not kaowwiat orged Hm ca ; yet, wbea expos ttda tedwith lor Us fbffy, perseted. lt as bewas oa tie cbase oa scci a iy. a brotberdftensitted to jots bts. How" is raaa kdby exaaafe? Parties far tie chase iathose wiUs of the Socth, Eie saontoHs iacoiier zsees, taereoie as they roH oa. 1Waes the boaters called oa others, theyjaned theav aapropitioas as was the oca-.sua. asti oa aasfcea tte troop into toefaww carreat. with teniae Acstranaaeathssasra; they peaetrated where theyled srmtH iateatioe ef rota; whea theykft their hocs. fuOow the cattle thathocsded fsrward to their satire taoantaiaaad besh Eustaiies m tie ir, ir wilder-aess. It is a s;M sfchttosee soehaparty jdoshiareaward. aad to hear the riie-5te 1crack oC their treaeendoos stock whips, jwri thine Ska saakes ia the air, hbsiatarocaa tinm. Tcey kare traraoi aowEBaay Bite, whes Cresh atoos of cat tie aredbcorered. as-t they posh ocward iato thedepths ef thu treseadocs wikiercess.Xow the cattie charge thea desperatelyaa ereryday taodeat asd the pcrseersbecoce tie parssed. Tfcey ride ca desperately, aver rock acd gtfly,for their reryfires ; ao Tiaes. as it happeas, tear thetnSua their saddles, ia fcntshes where parasites grow as thick as oce's ara. and prorBteqttaBy a saras aaisal is permitted togsre either raaa or borse. The rroczd is,towerer, itapnetkabte, asd oee corseataaaad horse asseea by the rest are dashed totie errrth, tct happily aajajgred. Wheaaroctaeat cf reiiet nHw thera to diresttheir eyes from their borise case, tierraisa a haater oee cf their eoapaaioej is ;race. The loss of eocrse rHasiaehed aarciacee they raisht possess of eocqoeriasrtie beost3 of the forest oa scch a spoagytattle rrcdd.aaj they ride hither asdtfrttftiT thrsttra the wild woods, yeffiagaad caiisz the xery rocks ring- with theadapted "eoo-ey"ef the black. On theyrasa, Cut aad the aowiaereasiasfr rzzged graced perauts, bat ao forrai: tiey see, oo rciee da they tear of tneirrn "irg csmoce in tae rE.i'e. 'Ia search cf their esiapoaioa they had ;Zfsrs reached the spars of a jrrsai ES&tiBtiiB ',sysfera, aad as they skirted the edges of itsraaged terEtisi they jt&d aad coo-eytd,btzt fcr a tiate withcat aay soceeas ; bet as jtheysfwctftl 6a, there cane fcrth at iecrthfrocr the fcr rfft,irre, tsscisg ateost frotathe deads, 3 fast zcaad. Aziia it carae jfrota oae of tie heriest peaks of thehe&hu aiftre tieci. It eosid cot he their jeRspaaioarwhatcoaM he do there? Acdyet who shoaM it he tot he, who aaswered itheir cow ahaost iacessaat ihoati, with arespocse falatly echotcs- down to the!depths beiaw frota that almost iaacceaziUe Iptsaocle, weQ kaowa to those acrrsaiatedwith the recea&sat the PSow.coweaBed,aad as we presxse long to be caSed, the 1farsoas riaow. 10 c Ujs party, Mrasother Lad dropped tehiad aad becametest fcr the present to his etxapacioasfed their henes ap the iteep aad predpttaatHecf thececatata. TcerepCeatotheir cries grew fccder acd loader as theydashed the predpee, cnta oa reachicgits saairait, the foreooit taw a hrnHirifcrta ia tattered Hrifltfrena oatrarg withaparest caatioa towards then, tai&g iaoce Laad what appeared to thera a ptstoLLTcseea they retreated, hid by the thickcess cf tie fjCase cf the rsoaataia isle.It xu tartly a Lcsiraaser who had tareined thesa by lis eriea, that he n;rtttoo" then ef teerr horses; perhaps theirEre. Afritreas3S distance iUitie prrroce cf fcrrrg; tiii cfeioiite reiioaasd sa-psscd barit, there seeadT totheat so ctodt cf di-imi tza&al with hisrsiewed da, that they reatored to rfctsra, xhea tie kut && iai his rescaea Bet, the Jitter were sooewiai preparrf tw Jfdefeoee Their hant walfy a waderfttl ehaj ftost it comtaeoeecaeat oa th Chicliwter, out ofyouthful waywardwss. to thia it tertainatkta oa th-o trreat Svathn CordtUvra.Tbr had jxiwaed a pwtKfeattal coai iadevX Bat for their wmpaakio'S accidentand Kvstbw wa fittla likelihood of Ihuirbetaj; this far ia th aiWertK whoa theshadow of ereeiftff wn suvtrhrd oat.aad but fvr diritM worktass oa the tntmlof a Tooth, they troaM sarWy not baretwu there at aUT lat now tha wandererwa discorewd. what was to Ui dooo t Hewas worn down a5taot to a skeleton, his. " "I deUmws wv dMtitute ot tvovttion ate&oae-jo!trey sejwatod all frow thehabttatioas of toao. and the dott of tboraeaataia was. dttcIt. The Lotxl. horerer. fare to tho resetted 000 stroagth toassist ta KMtiaj the jadvxl stood downtho taoontaias. hoXlitK; on by sarSns. aalt&e tousoo rsvhs was r-irtttv thtrtnsr sproe:rsa oao ptido was thrown to tborroiadwilh his horso, by tho iassv dipMrinoss of tho tnomttaia torrent baakV,aaa cro tno jotiraey ctoou ma n ibruhjTi. il , ;T. .1 Cr. "TC ; In whlvn a viewed corr of ntouutlns ctinrRrvrer had to wsd. which was hh i roa WU ai.trluC UKcne, etidlilsaed raaddy with the incessant flood. lut , tn au aerow the lVnituul. Tbenthetwtotaeetak these additional and needfuloxer was. there ctttae forth strcarth iaproportioa froet the iatmntabSe thronewhkh of old seat forth tho gracious tuvaitse. "As thy day, so shall thy strength bo."Another liiugier was yet to bo possjdthroaih. in the taoroid reaction of aa exaassfeil fraao. produced by the too powerful stimarcs of what under ordinary circamstaacoj wocld proro only a sttt refreshtaeat. The toilsome ride was eoded.the nearest babitatioareached.aad theocowho had been tost, bat not fbrerer, wasajaia under a shelterioc root. It was indeed a rerv huntWo dwvlUnc. but its accoatntodatloa was more than palatial, compared with the hollow lo 00 tho mountains. There was one riedous thing aftorded. which coder any drruatsUncesiBTests the lowhest cot with a eharai thatthe taaasioas of the mighty caaaot possessnt thou t it aad that heartrweleorae.The iaatates were poor and aSitcted : saehoftea know best how to sympathise withothers. It was tittle tho stranger required ;he had weH-ntrii sunk beneath their abundance ; a sins re ftrc aad a very small portioa of bread saSced to disturb the famished fmase ; the trice 1 ate prodnaod anabnaiB? reaction, which continued dorint;the whole ni;hl ; contioaed palpitations ofthe heart succeeded ray slight repast, andentirety banished sleep ; a recumbent postttoa becazio uaendarable. and I aroseaad sat by the fire. As I thus passed thehoars of the aisht, its silence broken oalyby the notes of the cttckoo anl the low utterance of the wind, I meditated oa mytsarreUotts deliverance from death, andprayed earnestly that the Lord would makehis'care over rse a blessing to others. Ithen eoacluded to write this narrative.Tamliriisits Lo$i, bul not i-Vrecr.A Pcomsrtc Excorsixs. KailsraytrareltEiT has its jokes as well as its perils,ia Canada as veil as ia the States, whereeTery train is the stage of a comedy, andsometimes a tragedy, especially on theErie. Ac taddent which blended thefarce aad tho tragedy, in fact a case ofwakta; up the wrong passenger with avengeance, occurred oa the Grand Trunkafc:ht express west lately. A Southerngentleman, accompanied by his wife, son,nurse, and three or four daughters, wasproceeding westward and took" berths forLis whole party oa the sleeping car. Himself asd wife occupied a berth at one extremity of the car. while the daughtersaad nurse were compelled to slumber atthe other end, the car being so crowdedthat the two coatitraoos sections could notbe obtained. The eldest daughters, asredeighteen and nine respectively, occupiedthe lower berth, the nurse aad her chargesthe upper. Towards midnight the nine-Tear-oUwoke up, asd went to the drinking fountain for a drink of water; retara-inc. she went to the left-hand berth insteadof the right, when oh, horror ! what a sightmet her gsie ! Her sister, as she supposed,was snoring peacefully cith her face near amascaKne face abundantly bearded. Shetottered to her sire and whispered the terrible tidings ia his ear. Tbo sire arose,the hot blood of Southern chivalry boilingia his veins, aad rushed to the indicatedberth. It was damaablr true: the samehair, tha same gray poplin dress there iwas no room leit lor doubt, aad be let tneslumbering man have between tho eyes,straight from the shoulder, a blow fromthe injured father's ana which woakl havefelled aa ox. The astonished man awoke,and strove to defend himself against theshower cf blows, bat the surprise and hi3cramped position prevented him. The lady,faithless viper, woke, and screamed " myhusband,'' to the wonder of the pugilisticparent, who at once imagined a secretcarriage. And from the opposite berththe only-original daughter screamed "papa."Tabieaa! The father was covered withshame, aad tendered ample apologies,which the injured party refused at first toaccept, wishing for blood. At last thamatter was quieted. Teit- corning theymet at breakfast at Cobour, where thekdies formed aa amalgamation, and allthereafter went as merry as aa engine belLThe assanhed entered Toronto ia triomphwith two black eyes, a nose big enough fortwo, aad a frontispiece illustrated with nutaenc3 cats.Gcozcz Sjlxd. It is coon, the hoarwbea oee sees everything. Her hair isturning gray aader her little straw hat.she is alor.e ; she is walking softly in thesaa ; she contemplates her orsdicary horizon ; she lis tens to the vagne noises of (fatare ; she amuses herself by following withher -72 those doodleU yon heed not ; shetalks with the gardener, she stoops downto breathe the odor of her Cowers, whichshe is cartful cot to call ; she stops; shelistens. To what! She does not knowherself. Sotnetkicgwhkh is not yet, batwill be one day. She sits down "on herstone beach ; she moves na more. Thereshe is melted iato immensity ; there she is,riant, star, blade cf grass, ocean, soul !she resaembers she divines all that (boanearest in the midst of the waves, shehears as welt as thou, nnder her dome ofHies, and the birds, aad the tempests,and all that sing, and all that weep, aad allthat hash. She goes aboat wonderingthai, aad looking and listening withoutkcowingpoaUrely what the is aecoccjjtiiting, (a dayoninambaliat) and as the shadows gain the plains like those plantswhich are Impregnated from morning tillevening with dew and rays, with rain aadsaashiae, and which do cot bloom ami exhale their perfome until eight at nightthis woman restorf! to the world cf toolaad mind all that she has recti red fromthe world, material and visible.Potz thousand Btckfrn' Clerks appearedthe other day in the Timet1 dty article atthe foot cf 3 letter asking for" a few moreholidays than the sesroHy any they everget, and aUo.praying that banks may beopened a Utile leli early after diTn."WcyshocUa caaa never die in the dtaertr Became of the saniwfcie there.How am the saadwic!e there?Ilao wu there, asd there Mi desenxiisUwere tanstend sod bred.RorrtiKtMKB lttMV . iJiott tint afterth 8t hek thacuttro jspUUon turnedoat to ettebrate tito erent, Ttt ttvatwtgood huuor )tYt)eit: there w no OrMIbs.Ttte Ttroomtwi brtrn to wore at tlx tutnntrto etiht a. x. H exttnt ejt to thtoUMt&rth of tto bubUaMo MrU but ttxr ouG two fcvond n a Rtrtn)t8t t do door ixt. Ttw root tinractoutotltW rrwentc4 wtre ttio IVMbavrar, ndtiitUihd away fSwttr thn ercrbcforvi.V few tttrtd tn tbo Iclnlty of the rrthv)ua)oto e It out. Proio thoa btaro wuU tro olfUlncd tlie lOllonlns ptUutsr rfsrtlnxthetaoTCrutnt: The wrth Brst homprnt lUMt,tnfa twutoa toM ronno, vxk ti-i ltcrftHr. tHt m oown. Aim tnt it to. V4l WtlJ " . 'j ruo atickr ncun, and wrtoVUM ujv Awncnl aiiutraitmr now took litany acevnitvtnled by a rwuni, a contortion ortwrudatubtemuiean meeto. Tbliic bewn lo looktntxfiL and t'other rooU rrcilr t toldfront which. A jretttlo rocklits bvptu, toilInr In a plrl twUt frvm too outh-wrtUowRwanK Then there vj a revolutionof tbc urfce round twttve wperate ecntroj,amuEinlftI hv a thmblic nsichlno Obtlni-to. AfewMtuill qnUn now branchol 01Ttor ine tntertor, ouitoon rcinmeu husuhcm,attj Joined tho mala bivly. Aftwaivotraetej tirvr4nlnc'. a tetles of crolntlon bepnii,vu a Iran then a thumrv. ttieu a wrawl.ami finally all ereatlou tuUtctUtiy and earaeilitwu tilth a run. A 11MI inanv Kconltt onrrohlns Into th rtrcet utnons the fullingbricks, nesleeteJ lo uo ttieir untoretu,and rot iUuuvd. One (fcnllcnun rot abrick la bis hat, nbere It remained ever rlnce.The bat Will protxtblr bvo to be ainiutatetLA Udy on Sioctou lrt bid bcr door lockcJ, and bjn unable to ttnd tbo key, had tocrawl throush an aperture to ttnall that thewas compelled to Icavo most or her apparelbehind. A seatlenian who lived oppotltoexperienced the tamo difficulty In tho tameaperture.An apple-woman on the corner ofMontrumerYaad CW wutobadlf Injured thatthe Is regarded unsafe, and Rill probablrhave to be removed. The work oidemotiticn will be begun before the rainy rcatonsets In.A man natsiutr xlour Batterr ttrect rot; totaarled between two shock?, and was tooadly twittco mat nit lett lei; it now uisHsai arts, ana ne it oouircu to iook normwest to tee tho tan rise.A woman oa Ruttian ltllt was to badlyfrbrhtened at to be nnable tu speak. Atielirhbour decored hit wife to the tnot. a miserable tubtcrfue, kept her there alluar waitttuior a tuoeK.Two men wcrettxudlnsrontonofthethot-towtr at the time. One was nicked up In! Stoctoa, and the other has been hcartl fromJ at theFarrallonea.A do belonging to a friend of the AUai felt it ebming and howled. When politelyrequested to keep Mill, he jelped. When1 counseled to silence br a boot-Jack he roared! The Mta hat conceded to Its friend's dog an1 Intelligence superior to Its own.I tie constant jars urose ail ioe eprs intiuethe heat worse than mislaying and theydied.There were other thlnrs happened, but asour reporter has not been teen t Ince he lefthis coal-tall on onr door latch, a complete1151 ox cstnuiuca. cuuiu uui vrc uuiaiucu..Yea LtCir.The Ijxcols Mosoikxt. The followlue;it a description ot tne destro or urMn u.Meade, adopted by the Lincoln MonumentAssociation:The die is seventy feet high, and the totalheight is one hundred feet The foundationand sub-base are of cranite. and the artistproposes the architectural work to be ofRavereeont marble, and the statues of bronze.The obelisk Is snnnounted by the eacle andctobe. At the base a pedestal it projectedIn front, on which Is a colossal statue ofLincoln. On a plain below, at the fonrcardinal points, are fonr pedestals, on whichare groups representlns the lnfanterr, cavalry, artillery, and marine corps of the tervice. Encircling these pedestals are tablets,on which are written the names of all theStates. These tablets are linked together,and the whole work Indicates that, throuchthe wise councils of the President aud theendurance of the soldiers and tailors, theCnion has been preserved and perpetuated.On the tour sides of the base are tablets forinttriEtions. That In front and nnder thestatue bears the same in foil Abraham Lin-i coin.Trie tub-bate it reached br stairs fromthe corners of the base, and under the baseIt the crypt for the remains. The door ofthe errat Is also the entrance to the rjattaireand stairway, which ascends the monumentinshie.IA.-E. UICILA.IAGSFULL ASSORTMENT tVIUTEiMEKOWTl". rertalekjS-3ata. & ciranoux.MliSI.X.-VS.TrjISHOP-S LAirXs, ntitrn'a Lairns.JL3 VICTORIA LAWSi XANSOOK. Toe salA. S. CLEGITOSN'.Traiioiv.f cottoxs,vrirrrK corross.A S. CLBGHOILV.Tcr ni byBROirX HOLLANDS,TaU Punask.VTcoien'ji Rwnd Osmbs,Fr saIbTStSa A. g. CLESnORX.IJLAXKETSJL riErBorrs.PICKLES,rcmlebrA. ft.CLHiMOrtX.IIAllKKRCxZiErM.CilllSKSE SILK. all colon, plainUkifinrtd.LaOW and GesU Lines. FersaMbrSMib - A E. CLEO HOItS.CASSIJrEUES,BEOADCLI1TUS.Fdrsataby3S-3m A 8. CLEOnORX.TTPSOM SALTS,Xli CamrJur,sl(hsr,Fee sal brA 8. CLE0H0B.V.SHIRTS.GEJfTLKJIES'S SlTPKIlIORirUltc,IDeketr, Bezstta, Grey and BID WoL Fornbi bj SV2m A 8. CI. WJ HOES.rf OSIEKV OP ALL KIXDS,JB-B. TUB BAUS BXMaAE.CLEaitOR.-f.X VVIX'H EXTKACTS,JLi Tcflrt faipt.TaUh Bnifbs,Iliir Broths.rorsaUby SWm A 8. CLEG HOBS.SaOS. LISEX THREAD.Jr lasitaticneuklludksTcfcleb,Fat sal brA.aCLE0II0Rr.C? ADDLES.k5 EriJlM,Wtlpe,A H. CLB3II0S5.rftKCWK,JL tsrraer'i (jrossaatsed eovfa) Oil.Gwtl Matclia.Far s bya s. cxroiioirs.TIIORX'S EXTRACTS,Js,aa's MrfldKl,X. & CLCIIOES.rEASTPOWDERS,Tom,CUTm,FsrtalabTA. E. CXMnORff.AT THE PHOTOGRAPH GALLERYOb Fort StreetsMAT BE SEE THE VIETVH takenLara Flow at KnhHka,AsviO FJTU 1 H tb latEartbqnake sit Walolitnu, Kan.Tlewi cf ZHausa aot Ubrr (Uns. AUoCasitsiX li tUazi, Ojw, Cbtrfs, rle alt I sat at levyrvef. AWt, urn ami pw tncu cr an sum.wbids will b mM etxaa.A. 8. CLECHORNRF.SPECTFCLLT calls th atten.UoacLiCICStoxis wzix mjscizB nser sr go&mAt HI Retail KttaMltamrntOn X unM ftrt. XafLEGAL KQTIOES.SHpresM Cwirt Ia ?retate.ta th matttr of th tluardianialp of the propetty C J. VT. Ualtanet, of NakawaaIsland ef Mnf, an reran person.PKOl'KK application havlnc hecamade to th HpnersMo Jamta r. Anatin, Jatle of lb Sopreme Court, by IttbertLett, to b appointed KOMdlan ottr tlM propttly ef taU J. AT. Hallanee, aa totan pttoa. Notk ts herehy Rlvea t all pertoatwhom It way eBcrn, that AVKDXEsIUAT,th Jlth day or Xwnbtr Init., at 10tt'eloek In th fsreooon, tt a day aad hoarappointed for th hratlnj of th aforrtaid ap.plication and All lJUat that may ! olTtrd thereto, at th Court Hour la th tow n ofHonolulu.ATM. HUMPimKYS,llepuly Clerk Saprera Court.CH Uonw. Nor. T. ISM ta-31Supromo Court In Probate."In the rattler or thelUttt of T. Metcalf.WHKRl'.AH, n I'ctltlon bn beendied addntte.1 to the lien. KlUha If.Allen. Chief JTuitle of tho SuiriaCatt, by(I. P. Jadd and J. AT. Austin, USVcatir ofthe will or thu raid T. Meteair, mtinf fo'rththat thy ar prepared with their Bialaocounts, and praying that th tamo may bpasted and allowed by th Court of Prha,and that they may b il!.;hrrcd from all further responsihlllly In th premiret. Nulle ithereby rlren to whom it Joay euneef a. thatthis matter will ba heard, with all Jtintthereto, by th said Chief Jodie at hltChaaUrt tn th Court House, Honolulu, OX SATURDAY, the Slit day of November, last., at10 o'clock, A. M.45-It L. McCULLT, Clerk.Supreme CourtIn Probate.In the nutter of th Kstat ot It. C. ATyUit .W HUH KAS, Proper Applicationhat been mad to tho Hon. Alfred 9.Itarlnell by J. AT. Austin. Charles R. Cishepand S. X. Cattle, quornns of th Ki teuton oftho lilt wilt and tettament of th lat R. C.AT;llie, deeeated, tettine forth that tbty bartransacted th business of the Estate and areready to present their final account for th examination and approval of th Court of Probate, and praying that a day may fc appointed for inch examination, and that th Courtwill thereafter discharjr th Executor and rleas them from further responsibility In thpremises. Therefore, b it kneren to all persons whom it may concern, that 3d day sf December next, ,t 10 o'clock,A. M.. at th chambers of th laid Justice,will be heard the foregoing application withall objections thereto.43-lt L. McCtiLLY. Clerk.P HOVER application havlae beenmade to th lion. Andrew J. P. II. Tread way, of Lahalna, that h uaybe appointed Administrator ef th Estate ofth lat John Boehte, of Lahalna, deceased atMolotal with the will annexed. Ji'otic ithereby siren to all whom it may concern, thatTHURSDAY, tha 3d day of December. 1565,is the day appointed for th hearing of saidpetition, and of all objectloasthatmay b offered thereto, at the Court Haas in th town ofLahalna, at 10 o'clock. A. 31.AXDREAT J. LAAVRESCE.Circuit Judge 3nd Judicial District.Lahalna. Nor. 5. 1S63. -ltSupreme Court of the Hawaiian Islands.ATiluam JL ATtlber, r. Phoebe T. ATOber.7HEItEAS, the Complninant in1 1 tho above entitled cause hat filed a petition unto th Hon James AT. Austin, Justicof the Supreme Court, praying for a decre Stdiroree from his wife, the defendant aforesaid,on the ground or willful desertion withoatcause, of th said defendant, for thre tuccesaire years. Xow. this it to notify th saidFhoeba T. ATDber to appear, before th lion.James AV. Austin at his chambers in th CurtIlonse. Honolulu, on WEDNESDAY, the 30thday of JANUARY, lS9,at 10 o'clock, A, M.,al which tint will b beard (be petition aforesaid. ATM. HUMPHREYS.5. Deputy Clerk Eoprtm Coart.Uonolola. Sept. 3. 1S63. 3a-4mSupreme Court In Probate.In the matter of the Estate of Mary Goldstone(formerly Mary Miller) of Honolulu, late Sdeeeated. "Proper Application hnving beenmado to the Honorable Elista It. Alien,Chief Juttica of th Eoprcme Court, by JaneGolditone, the Administrator upon this EttaU,for aa examination of hit accounts aad discharge from responsibility at Administrator,and for a decree of Court awarding tho RealEstate to himself, in default of other beire appearing to claim any part. And th Courtharins ordered that doe public notie of thifapplication be mads in the Hawaius Gaismcfar the space of six months, therefore be itknown to all parties concerned, inch ai creditors and next of kin, that this matter, with allobjections thereto, will b heard by th sai lChief Justice at his Chambers In tha CourtHouse, Honolalo, on the I3th day of April,A. D. 1869, at 10 o'clock, A. x.39-flm L. McCULLT, Clerk.In the Supreme CourtOf the Hawaiian Islands Oahn, s..Catherine MeGuire, Complainant, vs. Alexander MeOnire, Defendant.Action brought before th ironorabl ElisbaII. Allen, Chief Justice, of the SupremeCourt, at Chambers, upon petition this dayKiel in the Supreme Court of the HawaiianIslands.SUMMONS to Alexander McGnirc,Defendant, (rreetiar: Too are herebysummoned by order of the lien. E. II. Allen,Chief Justice of the Sopreme Coart. to be andappear beor th said Chief Jutie at hitChambers in th City of Honolulu. Island cfOaha, on AVEDXESDAY, the lf4h day ofDECEMBER, A. D. 1868, to show eaus whyCatherine MeUuire, Complainant, shoali notrecoter a jodpnent and decree of this Honorable Court divorcing her th said Complainant from the bonds of matrimony now existing between ber and th laid Defendant, oathe rroondt of willful desertion and adulterr.all which Is fully act forth la the petitionBled in Ibis cause. And yon ar hereby notified that if yon fail to appear and file aa answer to th said petition as above required,the said Complainant will apply to this Cocitfar th relief therein demanded.Witness the lies. JL JL Allen. Chief Jnitieol. i. of th Saprera Court at ilonelolu, thisEth day or June, 1869.J0-m L. McCULLT. Clerk.In the Supreme CourtOf the Hawaiian Itlandi fjahrffi.s.Mary Aane Basloils, Complainant, vs. JysBatimii, Defendant. fAction brought beftre. the Honorable Disha H.AUen, Cnier Justic f th Eapremo Courtat Cbambon, a pan petition this day SUd iathe Supreme Court of the Hawaiian Islands.SVHMOXH to Jose Matitssit, defendant, greeting: You are heraby tsstmone.1 by order of the nn. Eliiha H. Allen,Chief Justice of tb Bourns Court, tab aadappear before the said Chief Justiew at hitt. nam ten, ia the City of llooolal. Islaad orOaha, on J10XDAY, the 41h day ef JANUARY next, t tbow cause why Mary Aon Bastmis, Complainant, should not recover a judgment and decree of this Honorable Court, divorcing-ber, the said Complaints!, frost thbonds of matrimony now existing betweenher and th said Defendant ea the grounds ofwillful desertion, without cause, for seven toeeenir years past, and which It fully set fwthIn the petition fild in thft cant. Aad yoaar hereby notified that If yow ft3 ia ajptarand 61 tB answer to the sail petitHrti ts abovert'iuired, th said CotaplausMt wfv apply lathu Court for the relief therein itesasded.Witness th Hon. E. H. A Ken, Chtef Jottieal l.j of Uo Euprem Court at Honolulu, thiszist day 01 Anjusi, 1803,R, II. fiUnley, Ksq., Attorney for Cora plainant.W. HUKPIIBEYB.Deputy Clerk Sfttat CoertHonalala, Ad(. 31, IMS. 32-tm 2b1af7f3a8